RTC Erasmus+ International Exchange Programme Selection Results (Spring 2025)
Expired11 December 2024
Thank you all for the applications and interests that we have received for the RTC Erasmus+ International Exchange Programmes for the Spring-2025 round. Based on the selection criteria and evaluation carried out, the HR Office has the pleasure of announcing the results for the exchange programme:
Sl. | University & Country | Name | Designation | Employee Type | Remarks |
1 | BMU, Hungary | Sanjeev Mehta | Senior Professor | Faculty | |
2 | BMU, Hungary | Arindam Ghosh | Senior Professor | Faculty | |
3 | BMU, Hungary | Sonal Mehta | Professor | Faculty | |
4 | Leiden University, Netherlands | Leishipem Khamrang | Professor | Faculty | |
5 | Leiden University, Netherlands | Jelle JP Wouters | Professor | Faculty | |
6 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Dr. Swati Chakraborty | Professor | Faculty | |
7 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Paromita Manna | Associate Professor | Faculty | |
8 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Soumya Pandey | Senior Lecturer | Faculty | |
9 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Rudrarup Mukherjee | Associate Professor | Faculty | |
10 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Stephen Victor | Professor | Faculty | |
11 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Thinley Choden | Library Manager | Staff | |
12 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Sonam | IT Officer | Staff | |
13 | Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia | Saroj Kumar Monger | Assistant Procurement Officer | Staff | |
14 | Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic | Hari Prasad Sharma | Associate Professor | Faculty | |
15 | Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic | Tshewang Dorji | Lecturer | Faculty | |
16 | Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic | Singye Lhamo | Associate Professor | Faculty | |
17 | University of Huelva, Spain | Pratika Pradhan | Associate Lecturer | Faculty | |
18 | Bhaktivendanta, Hungary | Tandin Wangchuk | Senior Lecturer | Faculty | |
19 | Bhaktivendanta, Hungary | Sonam | Senior Lecturer | Faculty | |
20 | Bhaktivendanta, Hungary | Dawa Tashi | Counsellor | Staff | |
21 | Cartes consortium, Spain | Kinley Tshering | Associate Professor | Faculty | |
22 | WSB Poznan, Poland | Ugyen Wangchuk | BDO Manager | Staff | |
23 | WSB Poznan, Poland | Sonam Choden | Program Leader- Bcom | Faculty | |
24 | University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM), Poland | Rupali Sehgal | Senior Lecturer | Faculty | |
25 | University of Malaga, Spain | Tsheyang Tshomo | Sr. Systems Administrator | Staff | |
26 | DHBW, Germany | Indra Kumari Neopaney | AFO | Staff | |
27 | MATE, Hungary | Rohan Biswa | Assistant IT Officer | Staff | |
28 | MATE, Hungary | Bhagat Acharja | Assistant Finance Officer | Staff |
Congratulations to the selected nominees!
Ngultrum 1 for Life
Expired Tarayana RTC Club aims to give value to the often overlooked Ngultrum 1 notes by gathering contributions from all of you and channeling them towards the Bhutan Kidney Foundation. Consequently, the club extends an earnest appeal to each one of you to contribute and effect positive change in the lives of others. For further details, please connect with us via Tarayana RTC on Facebook, _tarayana_rtc on Instagram, or reach out via email at www.tarayanartc@gmail.com.
Wild Boar Sighting & Notice
ExpiredWild Boar Sighting & Notice
1. Wild Boars have been sighted in and around the RTC campus and on the way to RTC.
2. Avoid going to the forested areas early morning and late evening.
3. Be aware during the night and do not click photos. (Flashlights will alarm the wild animals and they might attack)
4. Inform Authorities in case you see wild animals at 17894357.
How do I? APA Citations & Citation Generators
ExpiredHow do I? APA Citations & Citation Generators (downloadable pdf)
What is a Citation?
“A citation is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source and gives your readers the information necessary to find that source again.”
When do I need to cite?
Whenever you borrow words or ideas from another source, you need to acknowledge that source. The following situations almost always require a citation:
- Whenever you use quotes
- Whenever you paraphrase
- Whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed
- Whenever you make specific reference to the work of another
- Whenever someone else's work has been critical in developing your own ideas (David, n.d.)
By giving others proper credit for their ideas, you avoid something called ‘plagiarism’:
“Plagiarism, the presentation of another’s ideas, writing, or other work as one’s own, is a serious kind of cheating. Thus, students unsure of how borrowing from another’s work should be properly acknowledged have the responsibility to consult with relevant faculty regarding acknowledgement procedures appropriate to their discipline.” (Royal Thimphu College, n.d.)
All programs at The Royal Thimphu College use APA – American Psychology Association – 7th ed (2020) Style Guide.
PURDUE OWL (Online Writing Lab) - APA Formatting and Style Guide 7th ed
Everything you need to know about APA citation styles in a short, clear blocks of information. Easy look ups for in-text citation styles, reference lists, along with how to cite those difficult resources like personal interviews, unpublished manuscripts, and the like.
APA Style Handouts and Guides – helpful short handouts covering citations, making a reference list, style and writing guidelines, etc.
APA Style Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters, APA Style 7th Edition (2-page visual handout on citation for each format)
Introduction to Citation Styles: APA 7th ed. (California State University Dominguez Hills video 3 min.)
Online Citation Generators are great when you just need a few citations, or are working on shorter papers and assignments. Just copy and paste the URL for an online resource, ISBN for a book, or DOI for a journal article into the generator (don’t forget to choose APA!).
ZoteroBib : Generates citations and builds a bibliography in most styles, without creating an account or installing any software
MyBib : A free bibliography and citation generator that makes accurate citations for you to copy straight into your academic assignments and papers.
Citation Manager Software is used primarily for more extensive research projects and helps you to collect, organize and format all of your citations. Citation Managers generally need to be downloaded to your computer, or you need to create an account if using online software. Some good free programs are (note – the links will take you to Penn State University’s software user guides and download links):
Zotero Quick Start Guide : a free stand-alone program that allows for easy capturing of citation information from web pages.
Mendeley : a free tool for both the desktop and web that integrates with Zotero and easily manages PDFs. (Documentation Support site; How To Use Mendeley Reference Manager (Complete Beginner's Guide) video 17 mins)
Davis, J. (n.d.). Libguides: Citation guide: what is a citation? Retrieved November 22, 2022, from https://libguides.limestone.edu/c.php?g=545011&p=3736369
Royal Thimphu College. MyRTC—Academic regulations. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2022, from https://my.rtc.bt/academics/academic-regulations
Intercultural Awareness and Cultural Diversity; Online Certificate Course
ExpiredFor more details, syllabus and registration, click here:
RTC Helpdesk User Guide
ExpiredAdditional options for students to access rtcCloud online resources
ExpiredAdditional options for students to access rtcCloud online resources

Mirroring from rtcCloud on-campus (cloud.rtc.bt) to Google Shared Drive and Microsoft OneDrive:
Laundry Unit - Operational Timings
ExpiredEffective immediately, the Admin Office, in conjunction with Estate & SSD offices is pleased to announce that the newly built laundry unit is now fully operational. The new laundry unit is located close to the college dining/mess, roughly about 20m from the RTC-SEISA Fitness Centre.
With this, the existing Laundry Shop located below the dining will be consolidated and relocated at the new unit with immediate effect. The AFD would like to thank the current Laundry Shop which was run and managed by the students.
With an enhanced set up and dedicated staff attached, the new laundry unit is expected to operate for longer hours and provide better services.
Open from 9 AM to 9 PM, including weekends
Sl | Particular | Rate (Nu.) |
1 | Wash and Dry per load (Per load upto 6 kg) | 150 |
2 | Wash only | 70 |
3 | Add-on: Ironing Charges | |
4 | Shirts | 10 |
5 | pants | 10 |
6 | Gho | 20 |
7 | Kira | 15 |
8 | Tego | 10 |
9 | Wonju | 10 |
10 | Sheets | 20 |
11 | Curtains | 20 |
12 | Pick up | 20 |
13 | Drop off | 20 |
14 | Others as per size |
Contact Person: Kabita Tamang, Mobile: 17395240
Terms and conditions:
- Please check the pockets before items are sent for laundry.
- The laundry shall not be responsible for damage due to non-fast colors or garments that cannot withstand normal cleaning process or damages due to inherent defects in weaving and texture of the materials.
- We will not be responsible for removal of permanent stains.
- No credits will be allowed – all payments will need to be done on the spot via cash/mobile transfers
- Unclaimed items: We will not be responsible for items that not collected within fifteen days from the date of delivery. Items not collected beyond 15 days will be disposed.
- Damage Policy: While every care is taken during the processing of your clothes, in case of any loss or damage to the garment, the unit will not be responsible for a sum not exceeding 5 times of the cleaning value or above charge of the garments / 80% of the actual price of the items?
- Garment Care: We are not responsible for your items bleeding, shrinking, fading, or otherwise becoming altered or becoming worn out by the normal wash-and-dry laundry process. We are also not responsible for any damage from a garment that bleeds the first time it was washed if we were not informed on that it was new. We are also not responsible for any damage that is done to your laundry during normal washing and drying such as buttons falling off, beads coming loose, seam coming undone, etc. By using our service, you agree that your clothes are suitable to be washed in water, on a normal cycle, and dried using heat in a tumble dryer. We cannot be responsible for any damage to clothing that is not suitable for this standard laundering process.
Do not feed dogs on campus
In view of the increasing dog population on campus, all students, faculty & staff are requested NOT TO FEED dogs on campus. Also, please DON’T ENTERTAIN or PATRONIZE them at any facility – Apartments, Academic spaces, Canteens, Dining Hall, Residence Halls, etc.
Please beware that these dogs are increasingly becoming menacing and could be dangerous.
Therefore, in the interest of your safety as well as the wellbeing of others, please refrain from feeding or patronizing the dogs on campus.