Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title: GIS201 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Sciences

Programme : BSc in Environmental Management

Credit: 12

Module Tutor(s): Samir Patel (Coordinator), Kinley Dorji, Jamyang Pelmo, Tshewang Dorji

General objective: This module will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of Geographic Information Sciences and Technology (GIST) including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), cartography, remote sensing, and spatial analysis. It will also explore how geospatial technologies are used in addressing human and environmental issues. It should prepare students for more advanced topics in geospatial analysis.

Learning Outcomes – On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the fundamental concepts and applications of Geographic Information Sciences and Technology (GIST), including the problems and challenges of representing change over space and time.
  2. Describe and explain the historical development of GIST and how GIST helps to solve problems of a spatial context.
  3. Discuss the use of web mapping tools to study and develop possible solutions to real world problems.
  4. Generate maps applying fundamental map design principles using geospatial software.
  5. Read and interpret maps.
  6. Describe the fundamental concepts and applications of remote sensing and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
  7. Create and acquire spatial data using GPS.

Learning and Teaching Approach:



Hours per week

Total credit hours





Computer lab and field practical work


Independent study

Assignments and projects



Reading and review of class materials




Assessment Approach:

A. Class Tests: 15%

Students will undertake 3 theory-based class tests covering three to four weeks of teaching. Two will be conducted before midterm and two after midterm. The written tests will be conducted with maximum 40 marks within the class for a duration of 50 minutes.

B. Individual Presentation: 10%

Students will individually be assigned a different existing web GIS to interpret. Each student must explore the GIS in-depth, note its implementation and how effectively it applies the GIS concepts discussed throughout the module. The student must then: Record and submit a simple video demonstrating the use of the GIS highlighting its purpose, usage, and for each map shown in the GIS: the layers / base maps / features / attributes etc. Explain and evaluate GIS mapping concepts implemented by the GIS and any map design principles. An effective video should be 10-15 minutes long, but may go up a maximum of 20 minutes if necessary.

3% Exploring the GIS and its purpose

4% Discussing and evaluating the cartography / data display

4% Showcasing, explaining, and evaluating GIS concepts

  1. Block-week field-visit report: 20%

Students will be taken for a block week field trip to Wangdue Phodrang and Punakha. Since the students will be assigned different tasks from other modules too, they will be asked to incorporate their knowledge of GPS use in the tasks assigned. Students will navigate with a GPS unit, collect data within a GPS unit, import GPS data into the GIS software, enter data into a database and make maps of field data.

Before the block week, the tutor will explain GPS usage. Students will individually collect data (geo coordinates of the locations and the waypoints) using the provided GPS. Students will be, as taught, asked to generate a basic map using these data. The output, a report of 500 words, will be assessed out of 20% based on the following rubric.

5% Completeness

5% Map element

5% Visual presentation

5% Report (introduction, methods, results and discussion)

D. Group project: 15%

A group of four will work together to select GIS data to make one large-scale and one small-scale map. For the large-scale map, this must include original GPS and/or digitized map data. Each of GIS must have at least three data layers (any combination of vector features and rasters) which effectively communicate themes such as land use, pollution, settlement patterns, population distribution, biodiversity distribution, hazards, water management. The project should include:

· Own GPS and/or digitized map data in at least one of the GIS's.

· Own attributes for at least one feature class in one of GIS's.

· Joined non-location table data to a feature class that has location information (like geocoding) for at least one of GIS's.

The two maps must be exported as high-quality images submitted along with the folders containing the map files (*.mxd) and all the data layers used. Students must present the GIS (in a report of 500 words accompanied by a live presentation) demonstrating the different GIS layers for each of the large-scale and small-scale GIS. Explain its purpose, layers, base maps, features, attributes etc. Explain the GIS mapping concepts implemented by the GIS and any map design principles applied to make effective maps.

3% Final exported maps (effective cartographic representation)

4% GIS construction (organization of layers, thematic cohesiveness)

4% Report (introduction, methods, results and discussion)

4% Presentation (appropriate use of GIS terminology and concepts, explanation of rationale for GIS, demonstration of data organisation and display/visualization of the data layers)

E. Semester-End Examination: 40%

Students will take a written exam of 2.5-hr duration encompassing all the subject matter covered in the semester. This assessment is comprehensive and summative in nature, and will comprise structured questions like MCQ, fill-in-the-blanks, matching, definition, as well as open-ended essay questions.

Overview of assessment approaches and weighting

Areas of assignments



A. Class Tests



B. Individual Presentation



C. Block-week field-visit report



D. Group project



Total Continuous Assessment (CA)


Semester-end Examination (SE)


Pre-requisites: None

Subject Matter:

1. Unit I: Introduction to GIS concepts

1.1. Defining GIS

1.2. History, data, and ethics

1.3. Hardware and software

1.4. Applications: social, physical, civil, behavioural, environment, and research

1.5. Importance of maps for communication and decision making

1.6. Scientific method as applied to spatial analysis

2. Unit II: Fundamentals of Maps and Cartography

2.1. Cartographic elements: colour, scale, layout, symbols

2.2. Data types (Raster and vector data)

2.3. Map design and interpretation

2.4. Geographic grid, directions, and distance

2.5. Coordinate systems

2.6. Map projection

2.7. Map types

2.8. Resolution

2.9. Classification

2.10. Applications

2.11. Output and presentation

2.12. Geodesy

3. Unit III: Survey of mapping and data acquisition technologies

3.1. Current Internet-based mapping applications

3.2. Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

3.3. Remote sensing (including sensors, electromagnetic radiation, and remote sensing techniques)

3.4. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

4. Unit IV: Data collection, processing, and analysis

4.1. Aerial imagery interpretation

4.2. GPS technology and field application

4.3. Remote sensing and digital image analysis

4.4. Collection, creation, and analysis of spatial data in a GIS

4.5. Basic cartography and display of data

4.6. Basic statistical analysis related to spatial data

4.7. Tabular recording of field-generated data

4.8. Display tools for numeric data (quantitative map types: choropleth, proportional/graduated symbol, dot density)

4.9. Concepts of Geoprocessing, geocoding, and modelling

4.10. Uncertainty and topology

4.11. Raster data models, vector data models, and digital elevation models

4.12. Geospatial versus non-geospatial data collection, processing, and analysis

5. Unit V: Geospatial technology: professionalism, society, and trends

5.1. Virtual and augmented reality

5.2. Professions that use geospatial technologies

5.3. Ethics and Geospatial Data Privacy

5.4. 3D geovisualization

5.5. Mobile GIS and Location-Based Services

5.6. Cloud-based GIS and Web GIS

5.7. Big Data and Social Media

List of Practical Work:

a. Exploring existing web GIS apps

b. Basics of using GIS software: managing map/project files and underlying GIS data files (shapefile, geodatabase)

c. Generating basic GIS data through digitizing on top of geoimagery to point, line, and polygon vector features

d. Adding attributes to vector data features

e. Use of handheld GPS units and mobile smartphone GPS apps to capture GPS coordinates and tracks

f. Importing GPS data into a GIS

g. Field collection of location data and non-location attributes

h. Obtaining and importing publicly available GIS data

i. Generating quantitative map displays: choropleth, proportional/graduated symbol, dot density maps

j. Adding map elements to a layout in GIS software and exporting a map

k. Basic geoprocessing: clipping and buffering

l. Basic geocoding of named location data to geolocated features

Reading List:

Essential Reading

Campbell, J. B. & Wynne, R. H. (2011) Introduction to remote sensing (5th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Chang, K. (2019). Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Additional Reading

A Gentle Introduction to GIS,

DiBiase, D. (continually updated). Nature of Geographic Information. Penn State:

GeoTech Teaching Resources,

Kurland, K. S. & Gorr, W. L. (2016). GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook (10.3 ed.). Redlands, CA: Esri Press.

Law, M., & Collins, A. (2018). Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop (5th ed.). Redlands, CA: Esri Press.

LearnGIS. (n.d.). LearnGIS Textbook.

Scally, R. (2006). GIS for environmental management. Redlands, CA: Esri Press.

Schmandt, M. (continually updated). GIS Commons: An introductory textbook on Geographic Information Systems :

Semerjian, C., & Miller, J.Z. (2014). Course Resources for GST101 – Introduction to Geospatial Technology. GeoTech Center Model Courses (GST 100 Awareness Course and GST 101 Intro to GIS Course).

Sutton, T., Dassau, O., & Sutton, M. (2009). A gentle introduction to GIS, Eastern Cape, South Africa: ArcNews,

Yanow, K. (2014). Course resources for GST100 – Exploring our World: Fundamentals of Geospatial Science. GeoTech Center Model Courses (GST 100 Awareness Course and GST 101 Intro to GIS Course).


June 2021