Course Catalogue

Title of the module: CHN201 Community Health Nursing Programme: Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery Level: Year 2, Semester 1

Credit Value: 12 credits


Module Leader:  Ugyen Wangdi


Module Tutor(s): Tara Devi Laabar



This module consists of two units:


Unit 1: Community Health Nursing: 7 Credit (T=60 hrs. L=15. P = 0)


Unit 2: Environment & Occupational Health: 5 credit (T= 40 hrs. L = 15 hrs. P = 0 hrs)



General Objectives

This module is designed to provide introduction to community health nursing and environmental health. The module provides knowledge and understanding on community health, school health nursing, home visiting and recognize the importance of family health and current concerns of community health. This module will also provide knowledge and understanding on environmental health, global climate change and its effects to health. Further, this module will prepare the students to apply the concepts and theories of community health nursing to prevent diseases and promote health and wellbeing of the communities leading to gross national happiness (GNH).



Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the students will be able to:

  1. Describe the concepts of community and community health nursing
  2. Review the concept and application of PHC
  3. Describe the concepts of health and illness, disease, the determinant of health and disease continuum
  4. Explain the concept of prevention and identifies three levels of prevention
  5. Identify the roles and responsibilities of community health nurse and apply the process of community health nursing in day to day work
  6. Explain the  concept  of  community health  assessment  and  priority  setting,  Discuss  the concepts, principles and importance of home visiting
  7. Describe school health and its importance and role of community health nurse in school health program
  8. Elucidate the concept of family health and basic needs of family.
  9. Discuss current concerns of community health
  10. Discuss the concepts and principles of Environmental Health Sciences.
  11. Adopt the roles  of  health  professionals  in  protecting  health  of  the  public  through environmental health interventions.



  1. Discuss the risk assessment process, and various risk management approaches, including regulatory, engineering, and behavioral/risk communication.
  2. Discuss the toxic chemicals and pesticides: their effects and regulation and control.
  3. Describe the climate change and its effect on human health and the environment.
  4. Analyze some of the major hazards encountered in the workplace, and describe occupational health and safety.



Skills to be developed

  • Community health activity planning
  • Home visiting
  • Family care

Teaching and Learning approach

  • Lecture and class room discussion
  • Self study
  • Individual/Group assignment
  • Visit to community areas

Mode of assessment


Ongoing summative                           40%

  • Assignment
  • Presentation
  • Group work
  • family care/study plan
  • Class/ Course test
  • Summative                              60%
  • Final examination

Pre-requisite knowledge:

Resource required:  LCD projector, Computer, White board.



Subject matter of the module







Methods of T/L




Introduction to the module

Introduction to concept of community

·  Definition of community

·  Characteristics of community

·  Functions of community

Factors related to community health

·  Structure of community

·  Social, cultural & economic factors: effect to health and stigmatization to the disease


Discussion Group work Assignment Self study



Students discuss       and share

individual culture

relevant to the topic





·  Human behavior & spiritual: way of life &

belief; physical activity & exercise, stress management,

·  Urban and rural community

·  Social problems of community

Concepts of Community Health Nursing

·  Definition

·  Purposes

·  Principles of community health nursing

·  Difference  between  community  nursing and hospital nursing

·  Review concept of PHC



2 (8hrs.)

Roles  and  responsibilities    of  community

health nurse

·  Roles and responsibilities

·  Process of community health nursing

·  Role of a nurse in PHC

·  Scope of community health nursing Current  concerns  of  community  health: HIV/AIDS, MSM & TG, drug abuse, RTA,

Suicide,  homicide,  mental  disorders,  natural disasters

Primary care management in community:


·  Self care in the context of PHC

·  Common  disease:  ARI,  Diarrhea chronic disease: Alcohol liver disease, DM, HT communicable disease: Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS,  trauma:  Road  Traffic Accident,   suicide   &   homicide   mental



Discussion Presentation Assignment


3( 20 hrs.)

Drug addiction or substance abuse

·  Definition

·  Reasons for drug use,

·  Range of drug use

·  Side effects of drug use

·  Drug use in Bhutan, substance addiction and consequences

·  Dependence and withdrawal

·  Interventions  in alcohol and drug use

·  Assessing   the   pattern   of   alcohol   use, medical, psychological and neurological


·  Definition.

·   Reasons

·  types

·  Common issues experienced by victims,


Discussion Presentation Assignment

Self   study   and report Case stu

dy and report







·  Principles responding to violence

·   Violence in Bhutan

·  Involvement of law enforcement

·  Role  of  health  care  system  to  prevent violence at various levels

·  Providing  support

Gender issues:

·  Definition

·  Gender equality

·  Gender roles

·  Why gender is related to health

·  Effects of women’s illness on their lives

·  Effects   of   family   members   illness   on women

·  Gender issues in Bhutan



4(5 hrs.)

Concept of health and disease

·  Definition of health

·  Determinants of health

·  Health for all

·  New philosophy of health

·  Concept of disease

·  Disease cycle

·  Factor responsible for disease causation


Discussion Presentation Assignment



Goals of Community health nursing

·  Health promotion

·  Health maintenance

· Disease     prevention:     Concept     of prevention:  Primary,  secondary  and tertiary prevention

·  Restoration and rehabilitation






The process of community health nursing:

·  Community  assessment:  data  collection, analysis, presentation, and report

·  Diagnosis of health related problem :

·   Priority setting

·  Planning health action

·  Implementation, monitoring and evaluation


Discussion Presentation Self study Assignment



School Health

·  School health program evolution

·  Aims of school health program

·  Bhutan’s   school   health   program   and


·  Roles   and   functions   of   school   health coordinators.

·  Common  illnesses  &infectious  diseases,







Lecture, Discussion Presentation








first   aid,   basic   medical   care,   health


·  Reproductive health

·  Teenage pregnancy

·  Nutrition

·  Skin disease

·  Upper respiratory infection

·  Safe sex & early pregnancy

·  Injuries and accidents prevention

·  Oral – dental health

·  Substance abuse

·  Violence prevention

·  Water, sanitation and hygiene

·   First-aid room in school

·  School health activities



8 (5hrs.)

Home visiting

·  Definition and purposes

·  Principles

·  Approaches & advantages

·  Role of a community health nurse

·  Planning & evaluation in home visiting


presentation, small group study, presentations

Student should

discuss     what they know



Family health

·  Concept of family

·  Family in the health and disease

·  Family issues

·  Child & women violence, and abuse

·  Family care study





10(5 hrs.)

Introduction to Environmental Health

·    What is Environmental Health

·    Environment and Human Health

·    Environmental Epidemiology

·    Environmental Psychology

·    Genetics and Environmental Health

(Gene – Environmental Interactions)

·    Population Pressure

·    Climate Change

·    Environmental Health Ethics and



Discussion Group Work Classroom activity

Reading relevant materials

Class test

11(5 hrs.)

Specific Environmental Health issues;

·    Air pollution: Indoor and Outdoor

·    Environmental Sanitation , Hygiene and Water

·    Energy production


Group work & Group Presentation Review of








Energy sources and associated health risks

·    Waste management: Solid waste, Hazardous waste and Waste management strategies

·    Pest control and pesticide

·    Food safety

·    Disaster preparedness and management

relevant articles



Occupational Health and safety

·   Work, Environment and Health

·   Hazardous Exposure and Adverse

Health Effects

·   Recognition, assessment and prevention  (PPE)

·   Workplace health and safety


Discussion Problem  Solving Activities


13(10 hrs.)

Environmental   &   Occupational   Health

Risk Assessment;

·    Introduction to Risk Assessment in

Environmental Health

·    The Risk assessment-Risk

Management Paradigm

·    Risk Assessment in Workplace

·    Risk communication


Discussion Problem  Solving Activities Presentations


14(5 hrs.)

Integrated Approach to Prevention

·    Clinical role in environmental and occupational health


Group work




Site visits

·    Land fill

·    Water treatment plant


submission following     field trip

Report writing


Reading List: Main Text:

Park, K. (2012). Essentials of community health Nursing. (4th ed). Banarsidas Bhanot. Jabalpur, India.

Charles D. Reese (2009). Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach.

Second Edition.CRC Press.Taylor and Francis Group.

Howard Frumkin (2006)..Environmental Health, From Global to Local (2nd ed).





Additional Readings:

Basavanthapa, B.T.(2008). Community Health Nursing. Jaypee Brothers. New Delhi.

Park, K. (2007). Park’s Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine. (16th  ed). Banarsidas

Bhanot. Jabalpur, India.

Anderson,  E.T.  &  Mc  Farlane  (2006).  Community  as  partner.  Theory  and  practice  in

Nursing. Lippincott, Philadelphia: New York.



McMurray, A. (2003). Community Health & wellness. A Sociological Approach. Second  edition.

Mosby, Sydney.

World Health Organization (2002).Integrating Gender Perspectives in the work of WHO. WHO Gender Policy.

Park, K. (2009). Park’s Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine.(16th ed). Banarsidas

Bhanot. Jabalpur, India.

WHO  (2009).  Self  care  in  the  context  of  Primary  Health  Care.  Report  of  the  Regional consultation, Bangkook, Thailand. Regional office for South East Asia.

Barry S. Levy, David H. Wegman, Sherry L. Baron & Rosemary K. Sokas (2011). Occupational and Environmental Health; Recognizing and preventing Diseases and Injury.

Dade W. Moeller (2005). Environmental Health (3rded.) Jossey- Bass.

Department of Health and Human Services (2007). NIOSH pocket Guide to chemical hazards. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No.


Mark Robson& William Toscano (2007). Risk Assessment for Environmental Health.

Metcalf & Eddy (2003). Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal and reuse. New

York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.




Date: 23rd March 2016