Course Catalogue

1.2     Title of the module: ANP101 Anatomy and Physiology

Programme: Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery Level: Year 1, Semester 1

Credit Value: 12 credits (T = 90 hrs, L = 45 hrs, P = 0 hr.) Module Leader: Dr.Ripa Chakma

Module Tutor(s): Faculty, FoPGM



General Objectives


This module is designed to provide the basic concepts and principle of anatomy and physiology which can be applied in practice in various clinical settings. It will also help the students to understand the normal parts of living organism that deals with the study of bodily structure and the relationship of one part to another, normal systemic function of the body, nature of the disease process and its effect on normal body function. This module will help students to acquire knowledge about organization of the body and describe the normal characteristics, structure, and function of cells, tissues, organs and systems. This module will cover the following systems: integument, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, blood and lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, nervous and  special  senses,  alimentary  and  metabolism,  excretory,  reproductive  system.  Laboratory practice  will  be  included  to  increase  students’  comprehension  in  structure  and  functions  of selected body systems.



Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module the students will be able to:

  1. Define anatomy and physiology
  2. Describe the history of human anatomy
  3. Explain human body, structure and physiology of cell, tissues, anatomical terms membrane and glands
  4. Define and discuss homeostasis, body fluids, survival needs of the body
  5. Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis in cell division
  6. List common terminology of illness
  7. Describe the structure and functions of the systems of the human body
  8. Identify models of different part of human body
  9. Demonstrate different physiological methods related to clinical practice



Skills to be developed

  • Identify different organs and its systems
  • Apply this knowledge in practice for live patients

Teaching and Learning approach

  • Lecture and class discussion
  • Self study
  • Group project and presentation
  • Assigned reading
  • Written assignment
  • Laboratory practice Mode of assessment Formative
  • Observation
  • Questioning
  • Feedbacks

Ongoing summative               40

  • Presentation
  • Assignment
  • Group project
  • Class test
  • Spotting test
  • Viva

Summative                              60

  • Written examination



Pre-requisite knowledge

Resource required

  • OHP/LCD/Computers
  • Chalk board/Marker pens/Transparent




Subject matter of the module






Methods of





Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology:

· Definition anatomy and physiology

· Anatomical position

· Terminologies used in Anatomy & Physiology

· History of human anatomy

· Introduction of human body including cavities

· Human cell: structure and physiology of the cell

·    Cell division: mitosis and meiosis

· Tissues, Organs and systems

· Membranes and glands

· Alteration in diseases, applications and implications

in nursing

· Body Fluid

· Homeostasis

· Survival needs of the body :communication, transport system, internal and external environment

· Introduction to the study of illness


discussion Group work Explain using charts and models

Short answer




The Integumental system

· Introduction of the Skin

· Structure of the skin

· Nail: definition, functions, and structure of the nail

· Regulation of body temperature


discussion Group work Explain using charts



Short answer question


The Skeleton system

· Define common anatomical terms

· Introduction the skeletons and their composition:

· Bone: types, composition, formation and growth,

· Functions and movements of the bones, bone healing and microscopic structure of bone.

· Joints


discussion Group work Explain using charts, video Demonstrati on

Self study



Viva Spotting test Explain

using charts, models


The Muscular system

·  Types of muscles and their attachment with functions

·  Muscle movements, muscles tone, contraction, levels and

·  Maintenance of posture


discussion Group work Self study





Spotting test


The Cardiovascular system

· Introduction cytology and organization of cardiovascular system

· Heart: Structure, Location, Layers of the heart, Chambers

· valves

· Circulation: systemic, pulmonary and coronary

· Blood: microscopic structure, formation, composition,

· functions blood, blood groups and blood coagulation

· Structure of blood vessels: arterial and venous system

· Blood Supply for all systems

· Hemoglobin: structure, synthesis and breakdown,

· variation molecules, estimation

· Function of heart ,conduction system, cardiac cycle , factors

· influence pulse, blood pressure and electro cardiogram

The Lymphatic system

·    General functions lymphatic vessels and lymph

·    Lymph vessels and lymph nodes, capillaries

·    Lymph Tissues: spleen, thymus gland

·    Lymphatic drainage

·    Antigen-antibody reaction

Lecture and

discussion Group work Demonstrati on




Class test



Spotting Explain using charts, models






Lab practical


The Respiratory system

·    Introduction and organization of the respiratory system

·    Structure and functions of the respiratory organs

·    Muscles of respiration

·    Types of respiration: Internal and External

·    Physiology of respiration and mechanism of respiration, pulmonary volume and regulation of respiration, gaseous exchange in lungs and gases exchange in tissues



Lecture and discussion



Class test Short answer objective questions Group


The Endocrine system

·  Structure of pituitary, pancreas thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, ovaries, testes, adrenal and supra-adrenal glands

·  Functions of the all exocrine and endocrine glands

·  Hormones: types and their actions



Class test

Spotting Charts, models, slides


The Nervous system and special scenes

· Introduction to parts of nervous system: central, peripheral and autonomic

· Structure, function of neurologia and neuron

· Structure, location and functions of brain, spinal cord, peripheral cranial and spinal nerves.

· Autonomic nervous system:

·sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system

· Meanings, cerebrospinal fluid: composition and functions

· Mechanism of sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system

· Functions of neuralgia and neurons

· Cerebellum and Cerebrum functions

· Ventricles of brain

· Stimulus and nerve impulse: Neural Pathways and mechanism

· Higher Functions of the Nervous System: Conditional Reflexes, reflex action and reflexes

· The Sensory Organs: skin, eye, ear, nose and tongue

· Hearing & Equilibrium

· Smell & Taste

· Control of posture & movement

· Central regulation of visceral function

· Autonomic functions: pain somatic, visceral and referred



Class test

Spotting Assignment Group work Charts, models.


The Alimentary system (gastrointestinal system)

· Introduction structure and function of alimentary tract

· Layers of gastrointestinal tract

· Oral cavity and related structure: Palate, Salivary glands, Teeth, Tongue and Pharynx

· Mechanism of swallow

· Mechanism of digestion & absorption

· Structure and function of :

· Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine, Liver, Pancreas


· Definition of metabolism

· Metabolic reactions, Energy transfer, Central metabolic pathways

· Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and lipids


discussion Explain using charts, models,

torso and specimens

Class test




The Excretory system( urinary system)

·  Structure and functions of organs of urinary system: kidney Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Male and Female urethra

·  Blood and nerves supply of the kidneys

·  Hormones of the kidneys

·  Mechanism of urine formation

·  Regulation of blood pressure

·  Fluid and electrolyte balance





Group presentation

Class test




Charts, models


Reproductive system

· Structure and functions of male and female reproductive organs

· Male and female hormones, its control and influence

· Mammary glands: structure and functions

· Male function in reproduction and fertility system

· Stage of development: Puberty, menopause


using charts, models,

torso and specimens

Class test




Laboratory practices

· Identify and demonstrate models, chart, such as: skeletal, brain, spinal cord, heart, respiratory tract, lungs, alimentary tract, male and female reproductive, excretory, endocrine gland and skin.


on Models, chart Laboratory practice Independent study.





Reading List: Main Text:

Ashalatha, P. R. (2007). Textbook of anatomy and  physiology for nurses (1st ed.). J.P. Brothers: New Delhi, India.

Wilson, K. J. W., & Waugh, A. (2010). Anatomy and physiology in health and illness (9th  ed.).

London: Churchill Livingstone.


Additional Readings:

Bannister.L.H, Berry.M.M et al( 2000). Gray’s anatomy (38thed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

Chaurasia’s ,B.B. (2004). Human anatomy, regional and applied Vol 1, 2 and 3. (8th  ed.). CBS

publication & distributors. New Delhi, India.

Geratj.Tortora. (2003). Principle of anatomy and physiology. (10th  ed.). USA: Willey. J.N Sons, USA.

Kathleen J. W., & Anee W. (2000).   Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. (8th  ed.).

London: Churchill Livingstone

Marieb, Elaine.N. (2006). Human anatomy and physiology. (6th ed.). Pataparganji: Delhi, India




Date: March 22, 2016