Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title:       ENM306          Environmental Impact Assessment


Programme(s):                      BSc Environmental Management


Credit Value:                         12


Module Tutor(s):                   Jesse Montes (Coordinator)

GP Sharma

Deki Phuntsho Yonten

Tshering Dolkar


General objective(s) of the module:


This module will provide an introduction to environmental planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA). Major module components include goals and approaches to environmental planning, dealing with key environmental and social issues as well as natural hazards, history and practice of EIA, tools and methodologies, and case studies. The module strongly emphasizes physical and social science aspects due to the interdisciplinary nature of the planning and EIA fields. 


Learning outcomes – Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:


  • Explain key steps in a project cycle and apply them to environmental planning.
  • Describe the delicate interplay between natural and human environments.
  • Describe key themes and approaches for environmental planning.
  • Explain the idea of EIA – its history, principles, process, methods and best practices.
  • Outline the processes for conducting EIAs.
  • Discuss emerging approaches for EIA.
  • Describe the legislative context for EIA in Bhutan.
  • Analyse potential issues and bottlenecks that can arise with EIAs.
  • Explain the role of NEC and other key stakeholders for EIA in Bhutan.
  • Discuss common mechanisms involved in environmental compliance.
  • Conduct a sample EIA.
  • Critically evaluate an EIA.


Skills to be developed:


·         Students should learn how to analyse project/development proposals for key information.


Learning and teaching approaches used:


The module will be conducted over 15 teaching weeks as follows:

·         3 hrs/wk lecture & discussions.

·         1 hr/wk guest lectures, group discussions, practice EIA analysis, and the presentation thereof.

·         4 hrs/wk outside of class, on average, for independent study.

·         A block-day field trip and accompanying field report to an active development site to conduct a sample EIA.




Semester-End Examination (SE):40%

Continuous Assessment (CA):     60%

CA Assessment


Assessment Detail

Group Project


Group (3 students) project work on NEC’s eight sectoral EIA guidelines; EIA will be carried out around college campus. Written report of 2000 words (10%) and 10 min presentation (5%).

Quizzes (3 x 5%)


One verbal quizzes of 5 minutes and two written of 30 min each.

Field Report


Group (3 students) field visit report, 1000 words.

Midterm Exam




Pre-requisite knowledge: ENM101 Energy Resources and Materials Management, BDC202 Biodiversity Conservation and Management II, ENM202 Water Resources Management, ENM203 Agriculture and Land Management


Subject matter:


I.              Environmental management

a.    Values

b.    Historical paradigms

c.    Sustainable development

II.            Landscape planning

a.    Characteristics of landscapes: geology, hydrodynamics, soils, ecology, human settlement patterns and historical development

b.    Scenic and visual aspects of landscapes: nature and extent of visual impacts and qualities relating to locations and proposals

c.    Health of landscapes

d.    Integrated landscape planning goals and processes; stakeholder coordination

III.           Environmental planning

a.    Approaches

b.    Interdisciplinary aspects

c.    Environmental evaluation

IV.          Land-use planning

a.    Urban sprawl & growth management

b.    Land-use impacts

c.    Bioengineering & industrial ecology

V.            Emerging approaches

a.    Brief review of community-based management (covered fully in BDC202)

b.    Brief review of watershed management (covered fully in ENM202)

c.    Adaptive management

                                          i.    Key features

                                         ii.    Use in environmental practices

                                        iii.    Applications for specific environmental projects

d.    Ecosystem management

VI.  Environmental Impact Assessment

a.    Introduction to EIA

                                          i.    Definition, history, principles

                                         ii.    EIA procedures: screening, scoping, managing impacts, alternatives, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, modification

b.    Public participation

                                          i.    Collaborative planning

                                         ii.    Tools for participation

                                        iii.    Traditional ecological knowledge

                                       iv.    Participatory rural appraisal

c.    EIA methodologies

                                          i.    Checklists & matrices

                                         ii.    Networks

                                        iii.    Cost-benefit analyses

d.    EIA in Bhutan

                                          i.    EA Act (2000) and Regulations (2002)

                                         ii.    NEC

                                        iii.    Guidelines & IEE Forms

                                       iv.    Review of IEE applications and EIAs submitted to NEC

e.    Strengths & weaknesses of EIA; case studies

f.     Developments in EIA practice

                                          i.    Strategic Environmental Assessment

                                         ii.    Community-Based Environmental Assessment

VII.         Environmental compliance

a.    Concept, definition, and scope

b.    Relationship to environmental concerns, laws, regulations, standards, permits

c.    Environmental audit: definition and purpose

d.    Indicators and monitoring protocols

e.    Types of environmental audits: compliance audits and management system audits

f.     Audit tools and technology

g.    Environmental auditing in Bhutan and region with case studies


Essential Readings:


1.    Gilpin, A. (1995). Environmental Impact Assessment: Cutting Edge for the 21st Century. Cambridge University Press.

2.    Glasson, J. (2005). Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment. Spon Press UK

3.    National Environment Commission. (2000). Environment Assessment Act 2000 and Regulations for the Environmental Clearance of Projects from the NEC website.

4.    National Environment Commission. (1999). EIA- Background Document, Sectoral guidelines (full set). National Environment Commission. Royal Government of Bhutan.

5.    Randolph, J. (2004). Environmental Land Use Planning and Management, Ch. 1-4.  Washington: Island Press.


Additional Readings:


1.    Conkin, P.K. (2007). The State of the Earth Environmental Challenges on the Road to 2100, University Press of Kentucky, Lexington. USA.

2.    Hoban, T.M. (1996). Green Justice: The Environment and Courts, West view press, Boulder, Colorado.

3.    Morris, P & Therivel, R. (2001). Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment. Spon Press.UK

4.    National Environment Commission. (1999). Mining and Mineral processing: Bhutanese Environmental Assessment Sectoral Guidelines, NEC Thimphu.

5.    National Environment Commission. (2004). Environmental Discharge standards 2004, NEC, Thimphu.

6.    National Environment Commission. (2007). National Environmental Protection Act of Bhutan 2007. Printed at Phama Printing and Publishers.

7.    National Environment Commission. (2002). Regulations for the Environmental Clearance of Projects and regulation of Strategic Environmental assessment, NEC secretariat, Thimphu.

8.    National Environment Commission. (2006). Reference manual for Environmental Impact assessment Training in Bhutan, NEC Publication, Thimphu.

9.    Quarrie, J. (1992). Earth Summit ’92, The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Rio de Janiero., Published by the Regency Press, London.

10.  Ramachandra, T. V & Kulkarni. V. (2006) Environmental Management. Capital Publishing Company. New Delhi

11.  Spaling, H. (2003). Innovation in environmental assessment of community-based projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The Canadian Geographer (47:2), pp151-168.

12.  Tetlow, M. and Hanusch, M. (2012). Strategic environmental assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (30:1), pp15-

13.  Wright, R. T, Boorse, D.F. (2011). Environmental Science – Towards a Sustainable Future, 11th Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.


Date last updated: May 30, 2015