Module Code and Title: ANS101 Analytical Skills
Programme(s): BSc in Environmental Management (borrowed)
Credit Value: 12
Module Tutor(s): Priyanka Sharma
General objective(s) of the module:
This module aims to develop skills in analytical thinking, specifically the ability to assess a situation, relationship or organization based on certain criterion, along with development of professional communication skills.
Learning outcomes – Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Discuss a general process of analysis.
- Explain, including examples, assessment and evaluation criteria.
- Apply a set of criteria in the evaluation of a situation, organization or relationship.
- Apply the power of creative thinking to spot unnoticed opportunities.
- Identify and accurately assess issues and their ramifications.
- Analyse issues, consider and prioritize solutions and make informed decisions.
- Apply problem solving tools appropriate to a given issue.
- Design creative, appropriate solutions to issues.
- Develop a positive and constructive manner in presenting issues, options and solutions.
Skills to be developed:
- Ability to present and clearly explain issues, options and solutions.
- Ability to write brief concise communiqués in professional business contexts.
- Ability to use multimedia formats to present information effectively.
Learning and teaching approaches used:
The module will be conducted over 15 teaching weeks as follows:
- 1 hr/wk lecture.
- 1 hr/wk classroom discussion.
- 5 hr/wk quizzes and in-class practice assignments.
- 1 hr/wk role playing activities.
- 5 hr/wk group presentations (project/case study).
- 4 hrs/wk outside of class, on average, for independent study.
Semester-End Examination (SE):20%
Continuous Assessment (CA): 80%
CA Assessment
Assessment Detail
Group Case Study/Project:
Project in groups of 3-4 on a case-study style analysis.
Quizzes (3 x 5%)
Short written individual quizzes of 30 min duration each, covering approximately 3 weeks of subject matter.
Assignments (2 x 5%)
Short written individual take-home assignments, covering approximately 3 weeks of subject matter.
Class participation
Role plays
In-class demonstrations (3x per student) in pairs or groups on interpersonal interactions.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
Subject matter:
- Orientation and Introduction
- Concepts of:
- Analytical Skills
- Logical Problem Solving
- Overview of Analytical Thinking and Types of Analysis
- Examples – Case Study
- Exercises
- Consideration of criterion to be used in analysis/evaluation.
- Known evaluation criterion:
- Survey/Original Research
- Literature Review
- Subjects of Analysis
- Relationships: Personal, Professional, Inter-organizational, Commercial/Economic
- Organizations: Governmental, Corporate, Multi-National, Political, NGOs, Profit/Non-Profit
- Situations: Political, Competitive, Adversarial, Commercial/Economic
- General process of analysis
- Planning
- Establishing the purpose of an analysis
- Identifying issues essential for a comprehensive understanding
- Clarifying relevant issues and ask relevant questions in relation to who/what/where/when/why/how, options, benefits and risks
- Deciding on an approach
- Creating a plan for collection of necessary information
- Analysing
- Collecting, organizing, and evaluating data using standard tools
- Evaluating information and data; dealing with information gaps
- Generating ideas from evaluated data
- Determining risks; performing cost-benefit analyses
- Evaluating ideas using established criteria; analysing strategies
- Concluding
- Characteristics of well-thought out and valid conclusions
- Transforming conclusions into recommendations
- Developing conclusions and recommendations into presentable formats for target audiences
- Presenting the analysis project with an aim to generate buy-in
- Analysis exercise
- Choosing an entity, relationship or situation for group project
- Determine the criterion to assess
- Identify issues
- Identify possible solutions
- Explore alternative solutions:
- Re-explore assessment criterion
- Re-examine situational assumptions
- Analyse - identify and assess each possible solution:
- Benefits
- Consequences
- Ramifications
- Prioritize possible solutions
- Identify optimal solution
- Develop implementation and contingency plans
- Communication of analysis
- Preparation of a suitable written document
- Preparation of an effective presentation
- Preparation of multimedia project
- Presentations of the analysis
Essential Readings:
- (2015). Coursepack for General Analytical Skills. Thimphu: Royal Thimphu College (Compiled readings and exercises from the following list of additional readings).
Additional Readings:
- Bono, Edward de (2005). Thinking course (Rev Ed). Barnes and Nobel.
- Bono, Edward de (2000). Six thinking hats (2nd). New Delhi: Penguin India.
- Bono, Edward de (2009). Lateral thinking. e-Penguin.
- Bono, Edward de (2008). Creativity workout: 62 exercises to unlock your most creative ideas. Ulysses Press.
- Chopra, Dr. R. (). Logical, critical, analytical reasoning. Galgoba.
- Covey, Stephen. R. (2009). The 7 habits of highly effective people. New York: Franklin Covey Co.
- Covey, Sean. (2009). The 7 habits of highly effective teenagers. Pocket Books.
- Davies, William. (1992). Climbing the corporate ladder. Thorsons.
- Eiffert, Stephen. D. (1999). Cross-train your brain: a mental fitness program for maximizing creativity and achieving success. Amacom.
- Michalko, M. (2006). Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking techniques (2nd Ed). Ten Speed Press.
- Treffinger, D.J. (2006). Creative problem solving: An introduction (4th Ed). Prufrock Press.
- Wujec, Tom. (n.d). The complete mental fitness book. Orient Paper.
Date last updated: May 30, 2015