Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title: GIS201 Geographic Information Sciences I

Programme(s): BSc Environmental Management

Credit Value: 12

Module Tutor(s): Samir Patel (Coordinator)

Radhika Chhetri

Jesse Montes

General objective(s) of the module:

This module will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of Geographic Information Sciences and Technology (GIST) including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), cartography, remote sensing, and spatial analysis. It will also explore how geospatial technologies are used in addressing human and environmental issues. It should prepare students for more advanced topics in geospatial analysis. The module is based on GeoTech Center’s model introductory courses on geospatial technologies. The module does not assume any GIS or geography background as a prerequisite.

Learning outcomes – Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and applications of Geographic Information Sciences and Technology (GIST), including the problems and challenges of representing change over space and time.

  • Describe and explain the historical development of GIST and how GIST helps to solve problems of a spatial context.

  • Discuss the use of web mapping tools to study and develop possible solutions to real world problems.

  • Demonstrate basic proficiency in the use of geospatial software, in particular the ArcGIS suite.

  • Demonstrate basic proficiency in map reading, interpretation, and design principles, including map projections and the geographic grid.

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and applications of remote sensing and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

  • Demonstrate basic proficiency in the creation and acquisition of spatial data including the use of GPS.

  • Solve a problem using geospatial technology from goals and data acquisition to analysis and processing to cartographic presentation and publishing.

Skills to be developed:

  • Students should gain spatial and cartographic thinking skills.

Learning and teaching approaches used:

The module will be conducted over 15 teaching weeks as follows:

    • 3 hrs/wk lecture & discussions.

    • 3 hrs/wk practical in a computer lab.

    • 2 hrs/wk outside of class, on average, for independent study, including some field work using GPS in coordination with requirements of other modules this semester.


Semester-End Examination (SE):30%

Continuous Assessment (CA): 70%

CA Assessment


Assessment Detail

Quizzes (4 x 5%)


Short written individual quizzes of 30 min duration each, covering approximately 2 weeks of subject matter.

Presentations (2 x 10%)


Individual 10 min presentation with 2-5 min Q&A.

Group Assignment


GIS-based group project output report (1000 words plus data and maps).

Individual Project


GIS-based individual work and output report (1000 words plus data and maps).

Pre-requisite knowledge:

Subject matter:

  1. Introduction to Geospatial Information Science and Technology (GIST) and geographic concepts.

    1. Defining GIST

    2. History, data, and ethics

    3. Hardware and software

    4. Applications: social, physical, civil, behavioural, environment, and research

    5. Importance of maps for communication and decision making

    6. Scientific method as applied to spatial analysis

  2. Fundamentals of Maps and Cartography

    1. Cartographic elements: colour, scale, layout, symbols

    2. Map design and interpretation

    3. Geographic grid, directions, and distance

    4. Coordinate systems

    5. Map projection

    6. Map types

    7. Resolution

    8. Classification

    9. Applications

    10. Output and presentation

    11. Geodesy

  3. Survey of mapping and data acquisition technologies

    1. Current Internet-based mapping applications

    2. Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

    3. Remote sensing (including sensors, electromagnetic radiation, and remote sensing techniques)

    4. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  4. Data collection, processing, and analysis

    1. Aerial imagery interpretation

    2. GPS technology and field application

    3. Remote sensing and digital image analysis

    4. Collection, creation, and analysis of spatial data in a GIS

    5. Basic cartography and display of data

    6. Basic statistical analysis related to spatial data

    7. Tabular recording of field-generated data

    8. Display tools for numeric data

    9. Geoprocessing, geocoding, and modelling

    10. Uncertainty and topology

    11. Raster data models, vector data models, and digital elevation models

    12. Geospatial versus non-geospatial data collection, processing, and analysis

  5. Geospatial technology: professionalism, society, and trends

    1. Virtual and augmented reality

    2. Professions that use geospatial technologies

    3. Ethics and Geospatial Data Privacy

    4. 3D geovisualization

    5. Mobile GIS and Location-Based Services

    6. Cloud-based GIS and Web GIS

    7. Big Data and Social Media

Essential Readings:

  1. Chang, K. (2007). Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

  2. DiBiase, D. (continually updated). Nature of Geographic Information. Penn State:

  3. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, published by Natural Resources Canada:

  4. Schmandt, M (continually updated). GIS Commons: An Introductory Textbook on Geographic Information Systems:

  5. Sutton, T., Dassau, O., Sutton, M. (2009) A Gentle Introduction to GIS, Eastern Cape, South Africa:

Additional Readings:

  1. ESRI ArcNews,

  2. ESRI ArcUser,

  3. GeoTech Teaching Resources,

  4. Gorr, W.L. and Kurland, K.S. (2010). GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook 4th ed. Esri Press.

  5. Law, W. and Collins, A. (2013). Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, 3rd Ed. Esri press.

  6. Scally, R. (2006). GIS for Environmental Management. Esri Press.

  7. Semerjian, C. and Miller, J.Z. (2014). Course Resources for GST101 – Introduction to Geospatial Technology. GeoTech Center Model Courses (GST 100 Awareness Course and GST 101 Intro to GIS Course).

  8. Yanow, K. (2014). Course Resources for GST100 – Exploring our World: Fundamentals of Geospatial Science. GeoTech Center Model Courses (GST 100 Awareness Course and GST 101 Intro to GIS Course).

Date last updated: May 30, 2015