Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title:          ECL101           Principles of Ecology

Programme(s):                      BSc Environmental Management

Credit Value:                         12

Module Tutor(s):                   Jesse Montes (Coordinator)

                                              GP Sharma

                                              Bach-Lien Ngo

General objective(s) of the module:

This module seeks to inspire students to learn how nature works, how its various parts interact, and how humanity can impact its ecological balance. It will introduce students to the basic concepts, principles, laws and ideas of ecology, many of which form the backbone of environmental issues and are thus necessary for their proper understanding. The module will lay a foundation for the further study of biological natural resources and their management and conservation.

Learning outcomes – Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the concept of scientific inquiry and the basis for its approach towards understanding nature.
  • Define the main ecological principles, concepts and laws.
  • Analyse the importance of ecological principles for environmental management.
  • Define the basic scientific principles governing matter and energy.
  • Describe the different levels of organization used in ecology.
  • Explain how matter cycles through ecosystems.
  • Explain how energy flows through ecosystems.
  • Explain how single species populations grow and are regulated.
  • Describe the principal interactions between different species.
  • Describe the major forces structuring communities.
  • Explain how life might have originated and evolved by natural selection.
  • Explain the large scale patterns of biodiversity and how it is affected by climate.
  • Investigate a local ecosystem.

Learning and teaching approaches used:

The module will be conducted over 15 teaching weeks as follows:

  • 3 hrs/wk lecture & discussions.
  • 1 hr/wk tutorial section for student presentations, quizzes, and small group discussions.
  • 1 hr/wk outdoor project work / practical including data collection of butterflies / birds and ecosystems in RTC campus.
  • 3 hrs/wk outside of class, on average, for independent study.
  • A Field trip from Lobesa to Dochula (dry subtropical to alpine zones) to see and learn about various ecosystems intact and degradation and to observe biodiversity in various type of forests.


Semester-End Examination (SE):40%

Continuous Assessment (CA):     60%

CA Assessment


Assessment Detail

Group Project & Presentation


Project in groups of 3-4 on mapping and describing a local ecosystem – includes a written report (15%) and a group presentation of 20 min (10%).

Quizzes (3 x 5%)


Short written individual quizzes of 30 min duration each, covering approximately 2 weeks of subject matter.

Class Participation



Midterm Exam



Pre-requisite knowledge:

Subject matter:

  1. Introduction to science and ecology
    1. Basic philosophical overview of science as the search for order in nature
    2. Scientific inquiry
      1. Hypothesis testing
      2. Scientific theories and laws
  • Establishing reliability in science
  1. Limitations in science
  1. Ecology and its aim and scope
    1. Hierarchical levels of organization
    2. Abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems
  2. Matter and energy basics
    1. Matter: a brief review
      1. Atoms; elements; molecules; compounds
      2. Law of conservation of matter
  • Ions; pH; organic molecules
  1. Living matter – cells
  2. Matter in the four spheres of Earth’s environment
  3. Phases of matter
  • Matter interactions – air, water, minerals
  • Quality and usefulness of different kinds of matter
  1. Energy: a brief review
    1. Matter vs energy
    2. Kinetic and potential energy
  • Energy conversions; Laws of thermodynamics
  1. Energy changes in living organisms
  • Flow of matter in ecosystems: Biogeochemical cycles
    1. Geologic (tectonic) cycle
    2. Hydrologic (water) cycle
    3. Carbon cycle
    4. Phosphate cycle
    5. Nitrogen cycle
    6. Sulfur cycle
    7. Overview of other cycles; cycles compared; interactions between cycles
  1. Ecological principles
    1. Environmental factors; conditions and resources
    2. Optimum, zones of stress, limits of tolerance
    3. Law of limiting factors; environmental indicators
    4. Habitat and niche
    5. Competitive exclusion and resource partitioning
  2. Populations and communities
    1. Dynamics of natural populations
      1. Dynamics and growth; population growth curves
      2. Biotic potential vs. environmental resistance; limits on populations
    2. Community interactions
      1. Competition; Predation; Symbiotic relationships (parasitism, mutualism, commensalism)
      2. Keystone species
    3. Evolution
      1. Principles of evolution by natural selection (Darwin’s theory)
      2. Adaptations
      3. Speciation
      4. Isolation
      5. Implications for human management; introduced species and invasive species
  • Energy flow and disturbances in ecosystems
    1. Transfer of energy through ecosystems
    2. Characteristics of ecosystems; trophic levels
    3. Flow of energy through food webs
      1. Energy flow and efficiency
      2. Biomass pyramids; biomagnification/bioaccumulation
    4. Ecosystem responses to disturbance
      1. Ecological succession
      2. Disturbance and resilience

Essential Readings:

  1. Begon, M, Townsend, C.R. and Harper, JL. (2005) Ecology: From Individual to Ecosystems, 4th Edition, Wiley-Black, USA.
  2. Botkin, D.B. & Keller, E.A. (2011). Environmental Science, 8th John Wiley & Sons.
  3. Cunningham, W.P., and Cunningham, M.A. (2012). Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 12th McGraw Hill.
  4. Odum, E., Barrick, M., and Barrett, G.W. (2005). Fundamentals of Ecology, 5th Brooks/Cole.
  5. Ohsawa, M., ed. (1991). Life zone ecology of the Bhutan Himalaya II. Laboratory of Ecology, Chiba University, Japan. (eBook).
  6. Miller, G.T., and Spoolman, S.E. (2014). Environmental Science 14th Belmont: Brooks/Cole.
  7. Understanding Evolution. (2014). University of California Museum of Paleontology. 22 August 2008. Retrieved from
  8. Wright, R.T., Boorse, D.F. (2011). Environmental Science, 11th New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.

Additional Readings:

  1. Berg, L., Hager M., Hassenzahl, D. (2011). Visualizing Environmental Science 3rd John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Enger, E.D. and Smith, B.F. (2010). Environmental Science, 12th McGraw-Hill.
  3. National Biodiversity Centre. (2009). Biodiversity Action Plan. Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  4. Sodhi, N.S. and Ehrlich, P.R. (2010). Conservation Biology for All. OUP Oxford, London.
  5. Sokolva et al. (2012). Energy homeostasis as an integrative tool for assessing limits of environmental stress tolerance in aquatic invertebrates. Marine Environmental Research 79:1-15. Retrieved from

Date last updated: May 30, 2015