Course Catalogue

Module Title and Code: Introduction to Bhutanese Culture and Dzongkha as a Foreign Language DFL 101

Programme(s): Foreign students of all programmes

Credit Value: 12

Module Tutor(s): Ugyen Tashi Dorji, Royal Thimphu College (Module Coordinator)

General objective(s) of the module:

This module is for learners who are non-Bhutanese and have had little or no prior exposure to Dzongkha. It is expected to be conducted at a level commensurate with introductory courses in foreign languages typically offered at the University level worldwide. The focus is on functional skills in the use of the language. At this level, learners will primarily use official Dzongkha Romanization for any reading/writing instead of the Dzongkha script, but will nevertheless learn the fundamentals of the Dzongkha script and alphabet. Content is intended to be relevant to the day-to-day lives of the learners. Learners would not be expected to gain fluency or deal proficiently in unfamiliar situations, but will learn how to get by in day-to-day familiar situations with Dzongkha-speaking friends, classmates, colleagues, and some official situations with a basic vocabulary and level of understanding. Learners would be expected to gain an appreciation for the cognitive aspects of the Dzongkha language, i.e., the vocabulary and diction that are specific to Bhutan (not directly translatable), and which reflect the underlying life and culture of Bhutan.

Learning outcomes – Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1. Recite and correctly use frequently used spoken words, expressions and questions in familiar contexts in conversation.

2. Speak in a slow but clear manner on a variety of topics in academic, social and work-related contexts.

3. Participate in simple oral communication in a variety of contexts.

4. Indicate the gist of a Dzongkha speech by a native speaker speaking slowly and clearly, and from overheard conversations.

5. Distinguish between and use appropriate alternative expressions for familiar (informal) vs. formal contexts.

6. Construct limited meaning from reading materials (in Romanized Dzongkha) on learned topics.

7. Recognize letters of the Dzongkha alphabet, numbers and some simple words.

8. Recognize a limited range of simple spoken isolated words, phrases and questions in Dzongkha script.

9. Demonstrate ability to copy letters of the alphabet, numbers and isolated words and phrases in Dzongkha script.

10. Write Romanized Dzongkha personal information and previously learned simple sentences and messages.

11. Produce correct sentences in a short loosely organized paragraph in Romanized Dzongkha.

12. Determine the meaning of new words and phrases with the help of a native speaker.

13. Recognize new words using visual clues in simplified reading material with the help of a native speaker.

Learning and teaching approaches used:

The module comprises 15 weeks of classes with three 1.5-hr blocks each week (4.5 hrs/wk). In-class time in each of two blocks is used in a workshop style with a review of prior topics and introduction to a new topic, practice, and debrief / reflection / assessment time at the end. A third block is used as tutorial / language lab time for additional practice. Each major unit includes some assessment involving approximately 30 min of in-class time per week on average. Students are expected to use a significant portion of the total in-class time on oral practice. Students are expected to spend approximately of 4.5 hrs weekly for independent study and practice.


Semester End Examination (SE): 30% (20 written / 10 viva)

Continuous Assessment (CA): 70%

CA Assessment


Assessment Detail

Written exercises (10 x 3%)


30-min written in-class quizzes (5x) or take-home work (5x)

Oral exercises (5 x 5%)


5-min viva approx. every 4 units



10-min presentation on oneself and description of a recent outing

Midterm exam


Written test of 60 min (worth 10%) and 5-10 min viva (interview style) (worth 10%)

Pre-requisite knowledge: None

Subject matter:

I. Welcome Unit

  a. Learning Objectives

    i. Introduce themselves and others

    ii. Say hello and good-bye

    iii. Recognize Dzongkha script

  b. Vocabulary

    i. Introduction and greetings

    ii. Classroom items and people (teacher, students)

  c. Speaking and Listening

    i. Introductions

    ii. Greetings

II. New encounters

  a. Learning Objectives

    i. Ask for and say names

    ii. Spell own names, recognize simple Dzongkha signage

    iii. Talk about where people are from and

    iv. What they do

    v. Discuss people's names and jobs

  b. Vocabulary

     i. Names and titles

     ii. Interesting jobs

     iii. Addressing people

     iv. Terms for respect

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Class introductions and greetings

     ii. Keep talking: Name circle

     iii. Class name list

     iv. Guessing game about famous people

     v. Keep talking: "Find the differences" activity about

     vi. jobs and cities

     vii. Quiz about well-known people

III. People and places

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Ask for and say people's nationalities

     ii. Ask for and give phone numbers and email addresses

     iii. Identify family members and give their ages

     iv. Give information about family and friends

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Nationalities

     ii. Family members

     iii. Numbers 0-101, higher denominations

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. True and false information about people

     ii. Keep talking: Interviews with new identities

     iii. Class survey for new contact information

     iv. Information exchange about family members

     v. Keep talking: Family trees

     vi. Presentation about friends

IV. What’s that?

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Ask about and identify everyday items

     ii. Ask what something is called in Dzongkha

     iii. Talk about clothes and possessions

     iv. Describe favourite possessions

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Everyday items

     ii. Clothes and colours

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Questions and answers about personal items

     ii. Keep talking: Things in the closet

     iii. Memory game about everyday items

     iv. Personal items and their owners

     v. Keep talking: "Find the differences" activity about clothing colours

     vi. Presentation of favourite things

V. Daily life

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Describe how people get around

     ii. Ask for and tell the time

     iii. Ask and answer questions about routines

     iv. Describe the things they do on weekends

     v. Describe a traditional Bhutanese house

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Ways of getting around

     ii. Days of the week and routines

     iii. Parts of a house

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Survey about getting to school and work

     ii. Keep talking: Transportation facts

     iii. Interview about the times of specific events

     iv. Interview about routines

     v. Keep talking: "Find someone who" activity about routines

     vi. Home furnishing activity

VI. Free time and shopping

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Talk about their shopping habits

     ii. Accept and decline help

     iii. Ask and answer questions about leisure activities

     iv. Discuss how they use technology

     v. Purchase common items and negotiate if necessary

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Shopping activities

     ii. Leisure activities and places

     iii. Numbers and monetary units, simple negotiation

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Comparison of shopping habits

     ii. Keep talking: Interview about online habits

     iii. Role play of a shopping situation

     iv. Interview about leisure activities

     v. Keep talking: Interviews about fun activities

VII. Work and Play

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Identify and talk about jobs

     ii. Ask for someone on the telephone

     iii. Have someone wait

     iv. Describe their talents and abilities

     v. Talk about study and work programs

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Jobs

     ii. Abilities

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. "Find someone who" activity about jobs

     ii. Keep talking: Memory game about jobs

     iii. Role play of a phone call

     iv. Interview about abilities

     v. Keep talking: Board game about abilities

     vi. Discussion about study and work programs

VIII. Food

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Say what meals they eat

     ii. Say what they like and dislike

     iii. Talk about their eating habits

     iv. Talk about their favorite food

     v. Buy food (ask for specific items and their prices)

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Food

     ii. Grocery shopping

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Survey about meals

     ii. Keep talking: Recipes

     iii. Information exchange about food preferences

     iv. Comparison of eating habits

     v. Keep talking: Discussion about eating habits

     vi. Interview about favourite food

IX. In the neighbourhood

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Give the locations of neighbourhood places

     ii. Ask for and give directions

     iii. Talk about interesting places in their towns

     iv. Give a presentation on a city attraction

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Places in the neighbourhood

     ii. Places to visit

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Information exchange with maps

     ii. Keep talking: Information gap activity with neighbourhood maps

     iii. Role play about directions

     iv. Interview about places in town

     v. Keep talking: Description of a lhakhang

     vi. Presentation about a city attraction

X. Around Bhutan

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Indicate Dzongkhags of Bhutan

     ii. List key historical figures and events

     iii. Describe rural village life, and simple traditions

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Places around Bhutan

     ii. Historical figures and events

     iii. Rural life, including agricultural terms, crops, livestock, tools, and practices

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Information exchange with maps

     ii. Keep talking: History of key places and events in Bhutan

     iii. Role play about directions

     iv. Interview about rural life

     v. Keep talking: Description of a village

     vi. Drawing and labelling map of Bhutan

XI. Art and culture

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Recognize and list the 13 traditional arts

     ii. Recognize and name common religious iconography

     iii. Describe what is happening at a tsechu

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Zorig Chusom

     ii. Handicrafts

     iii. Tsechu and religious arts and practices

     iv. Common deities

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Discuss plans for tsechu

     ii. Keep talking: describe what is happening at a tsechu

     iii. Memory game about traditional arts and crafts

     iv. Guessing game on common deities in artwork

XII. What are you doing?

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Describe what people are doing right now

     ii. Ask if someone can talk now

     iii. Explain why they can't talk on the telephone

     iv. Describe what people are doing these days

     v. Discuss what people are doing

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Actions and prepositions

     ii. Activities

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Guessing game about people's actions

     ii. Keep talking: Interpretations of actions

     iii. Role play of a phone call

     iv. "Find someone who" activity about things people are doing these days

     v. Keep talking: Guessing game about who's doing what

     vi. Speculations about someone's activities

XIII. Past experiences

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Say what they did last weekend

     ii. Show that they're listening

     iii. Express surprise

     iv. Talk about routine events in the past

     v. Talk about past activities

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Weekend activities

     ii. Things to do

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Information exchange about last weekend

     ii. Keep talking: Picture story

     iii. Role play of surprising conversations

     iv. Interview about routine events in the past

     v. Keep talking: Memories

     vi. "Find someone who" activity about past activities

XIV. Getting away

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Describe where they were in the past

     ii. React to news

     iii. Talk about their last vacation

     iv. Describe a vacation

   b. Vocabulary

     i. Adjectives

     ii. Vacation activities

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Interview about where you were

     ii. Keep talking: Interview about school trips

     iii. Class exchange of personal news

     iv. Information exchange about vacations

     v. Keep talking: Speculations about a vacation

     vi. Presentation of postcards

XV. Occasions

   a. Learning Objectives

     i. Talk about their plans for specific dates

     ii. Accept or decline an invitation

     iii. Discuss and agree on plans

     iv. Describe birthday traditions in their cultures

     v. Talk about religious and other holidays

b. Vocabulary

     i. Months and dates

     ii. Party checklist

     iii. Religious holidays

   c. Speaking and Listening

     i. Information exchange about special days

     ii. Keep talking: Weekend plans

     iii. Class invitations

     iv. Discussion of plans for three scenarios

     v. Keep talking: Plan for a picnic

     vi. Discussion about typical plans for a religious holiday

Essential Readings:

1. RTC. (2014). Coursepack for Introductory Dzongkha as a Foreign Language. Royal Thimphu College.

2. Dorji, G. (2000). My Picture Dictionary. Thimphu: WWF.

Additional Readings:

1. Dzongkha Development Commission. (1990). Dzongkha Rabsel Lamsang. Thimphu: Royal Government of Bhutan, Dzongkha Development Commission.

2. Van Driem, G. (1991). Guide to Official Dzongkha Romanization. Thimphu: Royal Government of Bhutan, Dzongkha Development Commission.

3. Dzongkha Development Commission. (1997). Samples for Geographical Names of Bhutan in Dzongkha and Roman Dzongkha with Brief Guidelines. Thimphu: Royal Government of Bhutan, Dzongkha Development Commission.

Date last updated: February 28, 2015