Course Catalogue

2.4     Title of the module: SNP101 Sociology and Psychology Programme: Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery Level: Year 1, Semester 2

Credit Value: 12 credits (T = 100 hrs. L = 15 hrs. P = 20hrs) Module Leader: Tara Devi Laabar

Module Tutor(s): Tshering Wangmo



This module consists of two units:

Unit I Sociology: 6C (T=60 hrs, L=0hr, P=0hr)


Unit II Psychology: 6C (T = 50hrs, L = 0 hrs, P = 20hrs)



General Objectives

Unit I.

The sociology unit of the module will develop students’ conceptual and skills in understanding the concepts of sociology and their effects on individual, family, society, community, economy and their effects. It also help student to identify and discuss the social determinants with relationship to healthcare perspectives.

Unit II.

The psychology unit of the module bears a foremost concern on development in personality, behavior and response. This course is to provide an introduction to theories and concepts in psychology and to assist students in understanding themselves and others, and how various forces influence behavior and the resultant effects on health. The nursing students will apply psychological approaches in patient care.



Learning Outcomes

Unit 1: Sociology

On completion of the module the students will be able to:

1)  Describe the scope and its application of sociology in nursing profession

2)  Explain the co-existence of ‘body’ and ‘self’ (I) as an individual in the society.

3)  Describe the family as a social institution and basic unit for health services, and family cycle, the importance of interdependent family membrane and basic needs of the family.

4)  Discuss the importance of harmony in the family.

5)  Explain society and social determinants.

6)  Describe culture, cultural variations, spirituality and social institution such as marriage that influence health and behavior.

7)  Elucidate harmony in society.

8)  Explain natural resources of the country, occupation, industrialization, and standards of living.

9)  Describe harmony in nature and existence.

10) Explain Population, demography and its effect on economy



Unit 2: Psychology

1)  Describe the concepts and principles of psychology

2)  Explain the scope and application of psychological approaches in patient care

3)  Identify the coping methods with anxiety.

4)  Describe the different kinds of defense mechanisms and adjustment.

5)  Explain the assessment and evaluation of the psychopathology and psychotherapies.

6)  Apply various psychological theories in patient care scenario.

7)  Explain a principle of integration of psychologically ethical and multicultural issues in the practice of nursing care.

8)  Analyze with your own natural style of helping/supporting and its impact on clients.

9)   Explore and identify human beings as co-existence of ‘body’ and ‘self’ (I).

10) Demonstrate basic skills in a decisional interview, solution-oriented sessions, a person- centered interview and behavioral assertiveness-training sessions of patient care.



Skills to be developed:



Teaching and Learning approach

  • Lecture and discussion
  • Self study
  • Assignment
  • Class Presentation
  • Debate
  • Role play
  • Individual/pair/group/class project
  • Volunteer work
  • Interviews
  • Reading
  • Browsing internet
  • Notes
  • Movies/videos/drama
  • Practice

Mode of assessment


  • Quizzes
  • Observation
  • Feedbacks

Ongoing summative                           40%

  • Class presentation
  • Assignments
  • Course test

Summative                                          100

  • Written Examination              60%

Pre-requisite knowledge

  • ANP 101 Anatomy and Physiology



Resource required: Class room/lecturer Theater



Subject matter of the module


Session (hrs.)


Methods of T/L


Unit 1: Sociology


Introduction to sociology

·  Definition of sociology

·  Nature and scope of the discipline

·  Importance   and   application   of   sociology  in nursing.

Lecture &



2 (43hrs.)

Individual and family

·    The rights and responsibilities of the individual

·    Understanding   the   human   beings   as   co-

existence of ‘body’ and ‘self’.

·    Harmony in self

·  Process of socialization and individualization

· Types of family

· Function of family

· Family structure

· Harmony in family

Lecture &



3(8 hrs.)


· Society and community

· Nature of society

· Difference between society and community

· Social dynamics

· Social  stratification  and  leadership  patterns  in the community.

· Social class

· Social mobility

· Social change

·  Social problems

·    Substance abuse

·    Prostitution

·    Domestic violence

·    Sanitation

·    Communicable diseases

·    Delinquency and crime

·    Malnutrition and poverty

·    Handicapped

·  Harmony in society

·  Social agencies and remedial measure

·  Nutrition program

·  Disability    Prevention    and    Rehabilitation


·  National  Council  of  Women  and  Children

Lecture &









·  Women    and    Children    Protection    Unit


·  Youth    Development    Fund    (YDF)    and

Tarayana Foundation

·  Rehabilitation center for substance abuse





· Nature of culture

· Evolution of culture

· Elements of culture

· Diversity and uniformity of culture

· Culture and socialization

· Cultural change

· Culture and spirituality

· Influence on health and disease

Lecture &



5(5 hrs.)


·    Natural resources of the country

·    Occupations

·    Industrialization

·    Social security

·    Concept of welfare

·    Population,   demography   and   its   effect   on economy

·    Vulnerable groups

·    Health  economics:  resources,  primary  health care and its elements and health planning

·    Harmony in nature and existence

Lecture, small

group study, presentation


Unit 2 : Psychology



Introduction to Psychology

·    The   reasons   and   importance   of   studying psychology:

·    What is the meaning of the word psychology:

mind and science

·    Brief background and history on Sigmund Freud

·    The mind and its activities

·    The utility of studying psychology

·    Scope of psychology

·    Definitions of psychology

·    Fields of psychology and application to patient care

·    Different psychological terms and terminology utilized in the clinical practices

·    Explore  and  identify  human  beings  as  co-

existence of ‘body’ and ‘self’ (I).

Lecture, OHP,

Role play, groups discussions, video shows,


criteria: Class  test, self evaluation and projects, submissio

n            of written assignmen ts         and presentatio ns










Developmental,          Sensation,          Perception,

Personality, Heredity and Environment

·    Definition of personality

·    Factors   influencing   personality   development and the different types of personality

·    Abnormalities of personality

·    Stages of growth and development

·    Influence of heredity and environment on the behavior and personality development

·    Personality theories



guest    speakers, self           study, written assignments



Psychological aspects of nursing

·    Behavior and sickness

·    Psychological needs of

·    Child and adolescents

·    Adult

·    Aged

·    Attendants

·    Chronically ill individuals



4(8 hrs.)

Learning   Process,   Memory   and   Forgetting,

Intelligence,   Motivation,   Emotion   and   Habit formation

·    Meanings     and     definitions     of     learning, intelligence, motivation and emotions

·    Theories    of    learning,    Factors    influencing learning, Laws and stages of learning, Kinds of remembering:

·    Nature of forgetting, Theories of memory

·    Learning   Process,   Memory   and   Forgetting, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotion and Habit formation (continue)

·    The normal curve of intelligence with the graph as explained by Sir Francis Galton

·    Ebbinghaus measurement of intelligence and the chronological age and mental age meanings

·    Stages of motivation and motivational concepts

·    Origin expression of emotion

Lecture,     guest

speaker, video shows,  role plays,



·    The theories of learning

·    Characteristics and classification of emotion

·    Fear   and    anger   analyzed    physically   and psychologically-examination of different kinds of pictures and their verdicts

·    Meaning and definition of habits

·    Developing Good study habits















Development and modification

Role of attitudes in health and sickness




Frustrations,  Anxiety,  Conflicts, Direct Coping

and Indirect Coping (Defense Mechanisms and adjustment)

·    Meanings and definitions

·    Source of frustration

·    Mechanisms of conflict taking place

·    Consequences of frustration


simulations, video, conferencing, case studies


Frustrations,  Anxiety,  Conflicts, Direct Coping and Indirect Coping (Defense Mechanisms and

adjustment) (continue

·    Theories of Anxiety

·    Coping with anxiety

·    Defense       mechanism       advantages       and disadvantages

·    Meanings and definitions of the Different kinds

of defense mechanism and adjustment:






Reading List: (need to update) Main Text:

Denny, E. & Earle, S. (2010). Sociology for nurses.  Polity Press, Cambridge.

Gaur, R. R., Sangal R., & Bagaria G. P.1st Edition. 2010. A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics – Presenting a universal approach to value education – through self exploration.

Indrani, T. K. (2006). Sociology for nurses: a precise guide to sociology for general nursing students.Jaypee Brothers: New Delhi.

Rana, D. & Upton, D. (2008). Psychology for Nursing. Pearson Education, UK.



Additional Readings:

Bhattacharyya, P.N. (1999). A Text Book of Psychology Part 1-2-3.

James C. Coleman (1988). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life.

Mcmurray, A. (2007). Community health and wellness: a socio-ecological approach. Mosby

Elsevier: Sydney.

Royal  Government  of  Bhutan.  (2005).  The  Constitution  of  the  kingdom  of  Bhutan.  Royal

Government of Bhutan: Thimphu.



Date: March 24, 2016