Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title:      MGT203 Growth and Change in Business

Programme:                                      Bachelor of Business Administration

Credit Value:                                     12

Module Tutors:                                 Shreejana Pradhan, Enchu Lhamo,Dip Raj Pradhan,Kezang Wangchuk,Carl Wonder,Priyanka Sharma

Module Coordinator:                        Carl Wonder

General Objective: This module aims to develop students’ understanding in application of management skills to proactively engage with growing business by designing appropriate growth plans. In addition, this module expects learners to gain contemporary theory and practice in managing growth with wide range of tools and methods available to address the changing challenges and problems.

Learning Outcomes – On completion of the module, students should be able to:

  1. Set individual goals and activities that support growth and build momentum for a specific business
  2. Discuss the key success factors such as people, processes, product, competitors, technology, and societal changes for growth of a business
  3. Develop an integrated business growth plan, taking into account all the various factors necessary to foster growth, along with contingency plans for uncertainties
  4. Explain the need to evolve as a leader and to develop and apply new leadership styles as a company grows
  5. Evaluate different approaches to change
  6. Provide solutions and recommendations to real life change scenarios
  7. Propose changes, as part of the change process within a sample organization, in a coherent integrated fashion across the functional areas of the business

Teaching and Learning Approach:


Hours per week

Total credit hours




Class discussions, exercises, presentations



Independent study and library research, assignments, project work





Assessment Approach:

A. Analytical Assignment: Portion of Final Marks-15%

Students will write two individual assignments based on the topics given and which will be discussed during class. Each individual assignment will be approximately 700 words worth 7.5% each

1.5%    substance

1%       organization such as clarity of controlling argument and main ideas

2%       analytic thinking and problem solving

1%       overall effectiveness of writing style with creativity and originality

2%       reaching a reasonable conclusion

B. Case Study Analysis: Portion of Final Marks-10%

One individual and one group case study analysis, each case study is worth 5% and will be assessed on the following criteria.

1%       identifying the problem

3%       choosing the right approach for the analysis and solving the problem

1%       drawing the correct conclusion with a recommendation

C. Project: Portion of Final Marks-25%

Students will work in groups of five to design a strategic plan that encompasses appropriate change model/approach for growth of a specific business in Bhutan. A written report of approximately 2500 words suggesting appropriate changes for a chosen business has to be submitted. There will also be a group presentation (approximately 15 minutes):

2%       clear definition of a problem

2%       using appropriate techniques

2%       gathering data and information from multiple sources

2%       analysis of the problem

2%       conclusion

5%       individually assessed process score (contribution to the group output)

Presentation (10%):

5%       group presentation mark

  • Cohesiveness: 1.5%
  • Organization: 1.5%
  • Level of professional delivery: 2%

5%       individual presentation mark

  • Clarity: 1.5%
  • Conciseness: 2%
  • Tone: 1.5%

D. Class Participation and Preparedness: Portion of Final Marks-5%

Each student will be assessed based on their participation and preparedness in the class by contributing to the class discussions by answering questions, stating their opinions, listening to others and solving in class exercises during the sessions.

1%       frequency of participation in class

1%       quality of comments

1%       listening skills (may be exemplary proficient, developing, unacceptable)

1%       participation in debriefings on snap ungraded quizzes, and discussions of current events

1%       contribution in a group discussion in class

E. Midterm Examination: Portion of Final Marks-15%

Students will take a written exam of 2-hour duration covering topics up to the mid-point of the semester.

F. Semester-end Examination: Portion of Final Marks-30%

The module will have a semester-end exam for 2 hours covering the entire syllabus. The question will be divided into two parts – Part A (carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of short answer including objective questions. Part-B (carrying almost 60% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of the question requires students to apply, analyse, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of knowledge.

Areas of assignments



A.    Assignment



B.    Case study



C.   Group Project and Presentation                                                                                         



D.   Class Participation                                                                                  



E.    Midterm Examination



Total Continuous Assessment (CA)



F.    Semester-end Examination (SE)







Subject Matter:

  1. Introduction to Growth and Change in Business
    • Define growth and change
    • Importance of growth and change in business
    • Identifying growth opportunities
  1. Growth of an Individual and Organization
    • Recruit, train and evaluate
    • Performance Management System (PMS)
    • Individual key performance indicators (KPIs) and organizational KPIs
  1. Planning for Growth                                                  
    • Budgeting for growth
      • Meaning of budget
      • Importance of budget for growth
      • Variance analysis for forecasting
    • Business planning and growth
      • Strategic planning, (vision, mission, goals): translate into action plans
      • Business growth
        • Competitive through key successes factors such as technology, people, processes, product, customer focus
        • Market analysis and projections,
        • Planning process (top-down vs bottom-up; realistic underlying assumptions; contingencies and alternatives)
  1. Change for Growth in Business
    • The role of change and its impact on business growth
    • Leadership for growth and change
      • Change management vs. Change leadership
      • Role of leadership during change
    • Examination of the need to evolve as a leader and to develop and apply new leadership styles as a company grows
      • Role of the board (policy, strategy, potential alliances) vs. management (implement plans/strategy, discuss alternatives with the board)
      • Transformational vs. Transactional leadership approaches to change
    • Organizational structural changes during growth: Types of organizational structures and impact on growth
    • Forces for change: Internal and external forces
    • Approaches to change during growth
      • Change agents
      • Change strategies
      • Change tools
      • Organizational culture
      • Power and resistance to change in the Bhutanese context
      • Types of change: Planned, unplanned and emergent change
      • Forms of change
        • Revolution (Transformational)
        • Evolution (incremental)
      • Change models such as Lewin’s three step change model, Kotter’s eight step change model and Quinn model
  1. Ways to Foster Change
    • Career enrichment: rotation of people through different organizational functions
    • Rewards for innovation (even if some fail); integrate with overall personal assessment related to corporate goals
    • Workshops to explore/examine changes, and identify best approaches
    • Analysis of changes in the market
    • Establishment of formal departments to explore change (technologies, market changes, broader changes affecting the company (e.g. Internet)
    • Identifying uncertainties, and building contingency plans
    • Implementation plans for change, growth
    • Sustaining change
    • Creating and managing a learning organization

Reading Lists:

  1. Essential Readings
    • Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Smith, A., & Lawrence, A. (2011). Managing organizational change (3rd ed.). Australia: Wiley & Sons.
    • Kotter, J. P. (2014). Accelerate: Building strategic agility for a faster-moving world (1st ed.). Harvard Business Review Press.
    • Burnes, B. (2014). Managing change (6th ed.). Pearson United Kingdom.
  2. Additional Readings
    • Khosla, S., & Sawhney, M. (2014). Fewer, bigger, bolder: From mindless expansion to focused growth. New York: Penguin Portfolio.
    • Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A., Millett, B., & Waters-Marsh, T. (2016). Organizational behavior (8th ed.). Australia: Pearson Education.
    • Spender, J. C. (2015). Business strategy: Managing uncertainty, opportunity, and enterprise. Oxford University Press.
    • Kuensel (daily readings)

Date: July, 2017