Course Catalogue

Module Code and Title:      MGT102 Management Theory and Practice

Programme:                                      Bachelor of Business Administration

Credit Value:                                     12

Module Tutors:                                 Shreejana Pradhan, Enchu Lhamo,Kezang Wangchuk,Jeroen Uittenbogaard

Module Coordinator:                        Jeroen Uittenbogaard

General Objective: The aim of the module is to introduce students to a range of significant issues in today's business and management world. The major objective of the module is to develop a good understanding of key contemporary developments and of their antecedents. The module explores the processes and functions of management. It also explores the essential theories as well as looking at management from a holistic perspective. It covers local, international and global management practices.

Learning Outcomes - On completion of the module, students should be able to:

  1. Explain planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling in management situations.
  2. Analyse the role of management in modern organizations
  3. Develop organizational goals and translate them into plans
  4. Discuss the various types of decisions made in business and accordingly, the steps in the decision-making process
  5. Discuss human resource management activities involved in attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective work force
  6. Describe contemporary issues in management such as those relating to the management of change, ethics etc.
  7. Evaluate leadership skills effectively through role plays for the success of the organization

Teaching and Learning Approach:


Hours per week

Total credit hours




Assignment, case study, role play exercises, presentations, and class discussions



Independent study and library research, assignments, project work





Assessment Approach:

A. Assignment: Portion of Final Marks-20%

Students will write two individual assignments based on the topics given. The assignment will be approximately 800 words and worth 10% each. They will be assessed in the following criteria:

2%       substance

1.5%    organization such as clarity of controlling argument and main ideas

3%       analytic thinking and problem solving

1.5%    overall effectiveness of writing style with creativity and originality

2%       reaching a reasonable conclusion

B. Case Study: Portion of Final Marks-10%

Students will solve one case study in a group which will be assessed on the following criteria.

2%       identifying the problem

5%       choosing the right approach for the analysis and solving the problem

3%       drawing the correct conclusion with a recommendation

C. Role-play: Portion of Final Marks-10%

Students in group will identify a given business situation and demonstrate their leadership skills by answering questions, stating their opinions, and thoughts to successfully manage an organization.

2%       role play:

            Well prepared and organized: 1%

            Captured and maintained audience interest: 1%

2%       contribution to class discussion

4%       demonstration of leadership skills

2%       listening to and responding logically to the viewpoints of others

D. Quizzes: Portion of Final Mark-15%

Each student will complete two short written individual quizzes of 45 min duration each, covering 2 weeks of subject matter. Each quiz worth 7.5% will be fact-based in-class quizzes to evaluate their knowledge of specific concepts and applications of management.

E. Midterm Examination: Portion of Final Mark-15%

Students will take a written exam of 2-hour duration covering topics up to the mid-point of the semester.

F. Semester-end Examination: Portion of Final Marks-30%

The module will have a semester-end exam for 2 hours covering the entire syllabus. The question will be divided into two parts – Part A (carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of short answer including objective questions. Part-B (carrying almost 60% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of the question requires students to apply, analyse, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of knowledge.

Areas of assignments



A.    Assignment



B.    Case study



C.   Role play



D.   Quizzes



E.    Midterm Examination



Total Continuous Assessment (CA)



F.    Semester-end Examination (SE)







Subject Matter:

  1. Introduction to Management Perspectives
    • Definitions, scope and importance of management
    • Levels of management
    • Types of management
      • Management - science or art
      • Management as a profession
      • Managerial roles and functions
        • Internal and external environment
        • The challenges of management
      • Evolution of management thought-
        • Classical theory
        • Bureaucratic theory
      • Scientific management
      • Human relationship approach and Administrative approach to management- with special reference to:
        • Taylor
        • Fayol
        • Elton Mayo
        • Max Weber
  1. Planning
    • Nature and principles of planning
    • Steps in planning
    • Types of planning
    • Levels of planning: The planning process
    • Decision Making
      • Role and importance
      • Types of decisions
      • Steps in decision making
      • Group decision making: Brainstorming
  1. Organizing
    • The nature of organizing
    • Formal and informal organizations
    • Organization levels and span of control
      • Organizational design and structure
      • Common organizational design
        • Simple structure
        • Matrix structure
        • Bureaucratic
        • Virtual organization and
        • Boundary less organization
      • Business reengineering
        • Definition of reengineering
        • Principles of business reengineering
        • Reasons for business reengineering
        • Steps in business process reengineering
      • Basic questions for effective organizing
      • Ensuring understanding of organizing
  1. Leadership
    • Leadership
      • Meaning and definition
      • Qualities of a good Leader
    • Different styles of Leadership
      • Autocratic
      • Democratic
      • Laissez –Faire
      • Situational leadership
  1. Motivation
    • Motivation: Meaning and definition
    • Theories of Motivation
      • Maslow’s theory of human motivation
      • Herzberg’s theory of motivation
      • McGregor theory X and theory Y of motivation
  1. Understanding Groups and Team
    • Work group and work team
    • Stages of groups/team development
    • Types of group/team
    • Why teams are so successful in organization today
  1. Communication
    • Meaning and definition
    • Communication process
    • Types of communication
      • According to organizational structure- formal and informal
      • According to direction- downward, upward and horizontal
      • According to way of expression- verbal, non-verbal and body language
    • Barriers to effective communication
  1. Practical Application of Various Management Disciplines
    • Marketing management
    • Basics marketing concepts
    • Marketing mix: Product, price, place, and promotion
    • SWOT analysis
    • STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning)

Reading Lists:

  1. Essential Readings
    • Daft, R.L. (2015). Management (12th ed.). Cengage Learning.
    • Cole, G.A., & Kelly, P. (2011). Management theory and practice (7th ed.). International Thomas Business Press.
    • Koontz, H., Weihrich, H., & Aryasri. (2004). Principles of management. Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Additional Readings
    • Prasad, L.M. (2015). Principles & practice of management (9th ed.). Sultan Chand & Sons.
    • Tripathi, P.C., & Reddy, P.N. (2012). Principles of management (5th ed.). McGraw Hill.
    • Lussier, R.N. (2016). Management fundamentals: Concepts, applications, and skill development (7th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Date: July, 2017